Octopus Photos

It was overcast with spitting rain this morning, so I thought I'd brighten the day by sharing a few photos from yesterday’s extraordinary octopus encounter.

Here’s something fascinating I learned: male octopuses have a scoop at the end of at least one tentacle, while females have suckers all the way to the tip of their arms.

There’s been lots of input about why this beauty ended up on the beach: perhaps trying to get warm, avoiding predators, laying eggs as a female nearing the end of her life, or maybe an elder octopus experiencing confusion—like dementia in humans.

Whatever the reason, it was truly an honor to witness this moment. Watching Spot the egret observe the octopus was equally captivating. Spot wasn’t interested in harming it, just genuinely curious and respectful, as if mesmerized by its presence.

Wishing you a beautiful day with unexpected beautiful connections.



Tales from the Lagoon ~ Splashing it in the Shallows


I met an Octopus!