Abundant connections
The light and color show was exquisite today. Beautiful pink, orange, and reds were glistening on the calm ocean. The flock of seagulls flew in before the sunrise and just a few minutes later hundreds of skimmers joined in. We have a theme today, a message of connection from many.
The birds were very active today flying often in waves then returning to the beach for a few minutes before dashing off in another huge whoosh. It was like watching people do the wave at a football game, a flock would dash off, then down the beach the next flock would take off which inspired the next flock to take off. Connection in action.
As the sun came up I saw what looked like outlines of people under the sun, bringing us the message of support and connection.
A vulture passed by, turned his head and looked straight at the camera. He was a soulful being, reminding how powerful eye contact is to connect with others. Pelican Highway chimed in, adding to the message. They said, “We are like a choir, connecting and tuning into each other so we can fly in perfect alignment as a team. We know we can fly further with less effort as a group.”
Wishing you a day filled with sweet connections!