Baby Turtles
Good Morning!
I'm away from the sunrise so sharing more hatchling photos. One of the hatchlings is a green turtle, the rest are loggerheads.
The loggerhead babies emerged after sunrise and I was lucky enough to see them emerge. Truly a memory I will always cherish. A grate is placed over each nest by the local Turtle trackers to keep coyotes and other wildlife from getting to the eggs.
The green turtle was from a sunset release by a New Smyrna Beach Turtle Tracker. All work was done under FWC permit.
Each time I see these little nuggets I am reminded of their determination. Despite the odds being against them, they go forward focused ready to face the elements.
Wishing you an inspired day friends!
If you missed the video of the loggerhead hatchlings emerging
Video of Loggerhead Momma returning to the ocean
Loggerhead hatchling hug
Loggerheads emerging
Loggerhead emerging. This one waited about an hour before leaving the cozy nest - leading the way for the others.
We got this!
Loggerhead hatchling
Green Turtle hatchling