Be open to AHA moments

The full moon was setting just a few minutes before the sun came up the greet the day.. The closer the moon got to setting the more orange it became, illuminating the surrounding sky and river.

The ocean was churning with a strong current coming up high into the dunes courtesy of the pull of the moon. When the sun came up big and bright, light rays jetted into the sky bringing the vibe of anything is possible.

The moon, sailboat and pelicans bring us a combo message today. The moon says, “I am also a lunar eclipse which means my power is concentrated. You may experience rapid changes, epiphanies or surprising AHA moments than change you. Not to worry, use my energy to let go and bring in the new that supports you even better.”

The sailboat and channel marker reminds us to look for the signs marking the way. When the road seems rough, hug the channel markers for safety.

Pelican Highway was packed today. One stream of traffic finishes the message for us. One of the pelicans leading the traffic said, “I get it, sometimes the road is bumpy, it’s ok to stop mid flight and shake off the stress, and even vomit. Remember the bumps are temporary and will pass.” Relax and ride the energy with ease."

Wishing you a beautiful day friends!

Hug the channel markers when teh path in rough

Sometimes you gotta stop and vomit on the fly and keep going

TGIF Photo :)


Endings and new beginnings


YOu are strong, touch and resilient able to weather any storm