Be the beauty you want to see in the world

The pre-dawn sky stretched in soft hues of blue, tinged with delicate pink rays. A chilly southern breeze held steady, allowing the birds to hover effortlessly against the pastel backdrop.

As the sun peeked over the horizon, the morning ritual began, everyone was in the pool, getting squeaky clean. Wings flapped, sending ripples across the golden water, each movement shimmering in the new light.

They said, ”We bring the message of self-care. Not just to keep the bugs off and stay healthy, but for the ripples we create. When you feel good, you inspire others. And sometimes, the best way to help the world is to simply take care of yourself. Be the beauty you want to see in the world.”

Wishing you a beautiful day friends!


Sunshine and snuggles


Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Sweet Sunset Snuggles