Chilling to refill your tank
The morning was still was just a hint of a breeze when the flock of gulls flew in to say good morning. A cloud wall morphed into a gator as the sun came up. The gator eventually looked like it was breathing pink rays.
The ocean was calm with waves calling to the surfers to come play. After sunrise I ran into Luna the osprey and 4 dolphin.
A momma dolphins and her calf along with 2 other dolphins were enjoying hanging in the lagoon bringing us the message of relaxation. They said, “We highly recommend chilling out with your pod mates to fill up your gas tank.”
Luna the osprey was there too squawking loudly for a long time. She said, “My foot hurts so I just need to yell about it for a few minutes then I’ll feel better and be ready to grab fish and enjoy my day.”
Wishing you a beautiful day friends!
Family morning
Luna says, “My foot hurts.”
The TGIF Photo from social media. Let’s Play. :)