Clarity helps you move forward

Ahhhhh, a romantic pretty in pink sunrise filled with the vibe of love. The sea oats created a beautiful door to the ocean with a Neapolitan color backdrop. The ocean was calm except for perfect waves soaking up the bronze and pink light as they rolled toward shore.

I wasn’t the only one playing in the waves today, I was joined by a young shark who was rolling around int he waves enjoying a playful morning. As we enjoyed the waves he said, “Change is a good thing. I recommend being clear about what you want rather than what others want for you. Use your sensitivities to navigate moving forward. I highly recommend going after what you want, seize the moment!”

As the huge sun came up, a cloud crossed the bottom of the sun looking like the sun and ocean were a puzzle piece fitting together perfectly. Then an image appeared in the sun looking like an angel reminding us we are supported, always.

To top it off, out of the blue, a dolphin popped up in the river after sunrise bringing the message of expecting the unexpected.

Wishing you a groovy day friends!

Shark in the waves

Pop goes the dolphin

An angel in the sun to the left of the cloud


Take time to be


Bath time helps with energy of full moon