Courage, Patience, & think outside the box
Ball, Ball, Ball. The gorgeous moon was setting as the sun came up to greet the day. The sun was free from clouds and able to shine big and bright. The waves looked like a mountain range as they rolled toward shore. Pelican Highway looked artful as they floated over the amber waves.
The energy of the full moon can be felt 3 days before and 3 days after. It is asking us to be courageous and let our unique signature shine.
One legger and her flock flew in at the usual time. She was showing off her grace and strength today with her power pose.
After sunrise, at least 20 pelicans and a huge flock of Laughing gulls and Bonaparte gulls were grabbing teeny fish for breakfast.
The pelican and a laughing gull have the message for us today. The pelican said, “The laughing gulls can be a bit annoying trying to steal fish from my beak. They remind me to be patient with others, take a deep breath and turn my head when the little one is getting on my nerves. This way I can be more open to sharing the moment with my feathered friend.”
The gull said, “I’m a very creative bird. I bring the message of finding abundance in creative ways. Thinking of new or out of the box ways of doing life can lead to great abundance and success.”
Wishing you an abundant day friends!
PS~. Check out the previous post for a Tales from the Lagoon Episode
Thank you, I’ll take this one right here
Pelican turns his head to avoid losing more fish
Fishing together
Come on little buddy