Dolphin Hurricane Party
Tales from the Lagoon Episode - Hurricane Party Dolphin Style
Yesterday afternoon during a light rain storm a maternity pod came into the lagoon to play and grab hurricane snacks. This pod had 2 males, Uncle Larry and Jagger, a momma and a youngin.’
The baby was quite the spitfire! S/he was zooming around following the adults and playing with mangrove seeds (Propagules) for an hour! This little one had the adults on the move because she was all over the place exploring and playing. She was learning to slap her tail and was surprisingly fast.
Uncle Larry and Jagger were chasing redfish when the mom and baby were nursing. At one point Uncle Larry showed his playful side, coming up to me fast, turning right in front of me sending up a wall of water with his tail. Definitely the splash zone! When he swam away he had a redfish in his mouth.
I think this momma is the dolphin I cal Charlie. I wasn’t sure if Charlie was a male or female until today when she brought in her baby. The baby needs a name, any suggestions?
It’s been a great week with Uncle Larry and jagger, more from them, Pip the pelican, and other characters on the way!
Stay tuned for more tales!
Playful baby
Uncle Larry getting ready to toss a redfish
The big toss
Jagger with a fish
Uncle Larry and the baby
Baby with a mangrove seed ( Propagule)
Momma and the baby