Embrace the change in and around you

A gorgeous spring sunrise featuring a giant dragonfly cloud before the sun came up to greet the day. When I saw the cloud, I thought how great it would be to see a real dragonfly too....and one showed up! It had cool stripes just like the sun.

The dragonfly brings the message of transformation and change. She said, ”Embrace the change in and around you. I am here to remind you to bring more lightness and joy into your life during transition.”

After sunrise, A pod of dolphins came in to play. Momma Jade and her newest baby Opal wanted to connect along with a few other babies. Baby Opal tossed up a stick said, “Step out into nature and play! Nature has all kinds of ways to be silly and light.”

Have a wonderful day friends!

Playing the stick game


the healing journey of Pippa the Pelican


You have the power to soar