Embrace your shadow side

Ahhhh, a sweet and salty sunrise! The sun came up from behind a wall of clouds looking a bit like an eagle or phoenix rising.

I’ve been sharing messages from Mother Nature since 2017 and I still get exciting when the messengers show up in a magical synchronicity. Today the sun shadow and baby shark teamed up to bring us a powerful message.

The sunrise shadow says,”We all have a shadow side. The shadow side is the part of us we might reject because we believe it is unacceptable. The sun says, “It’s time to light it up! Let the light shine bright on all your parts. Use the energy of the new moon to start fresh with accepting and loving all of you.”

A baby shark was swimming in the waves at the same time the shadow was on the horizon. The shark said, “Embrace your perceived flaws, release the negative judgment of yourself and let the love the light pour in. You see us sharks are very sensitive, we know we must use our instincts to move forward. The more you love yourself, the clearer your instincts will be.”

Wishing you a beautiful day friends!


Keep the focus and you will soar


Magical Art in Everyday life