Enjoy practicing

I wasn’t sure we would have a sunrise with rain and overcast skies leading up to sunrise. Much to my surprise it was a breathtaking and heart opening start to the day. The glistening light, whipping wind made for beautiful Florida snow blowing off the top of the waves.

The flock of seagulls flew in a very tight formation, using the wind to hang in place for long periods of time.

They know how much I resist the wind, so they came up really close and said, “Resistance is futile, instead, use the elements to assist your journey. The wind makes it possible for us to hang in place with little effort giving us more time to connect.”

Everyone was feeling playful today! Dolphins surfed the waves, leaped out of the water and grabbed snacks. A spinner shark even leaped out of the water on the horizon. If that wasn’t enough excitement, an osprey went for a fish in a wave. She looked like the wave gave her a good smack, she was tossed around a bit, came up without a fish, gave herself a good shake and went again. Very inspiring!

The osprey and the dolphin image bring the message of timing. They said, “It’s ok if your timing is off just a bit, don’t give up. Have fun practicing, enjoying the journey is the fun part.”

Wishing you a beautiful day friends!


Tales from the lagoon ~ Episode- More from New Years Day Playtime


Soar, despite the distractions