Fall Deeper in Love with yourself
WOWIE! The pre sunrise pink and purple sky took my breath away. The gorgeous reflections on the wet sand made my heart expand with ease The breeze was soft and salty on my skin when the flock of seagulls flew in to say hello.
A flock of Ruddy Trurnstones joined the laughing gulls. Rootie, one of the turnstones brings us the message today. She said, “I recommend falling deeper in love with yourself. Join me in loving your reflection.”
The fluffy clouds on the horn gave the sun a hug and lifted it up to bring us warmth and rays of golden light. The sun even found a perfect hole to poke through the clouds bringing us the reminder that things are lining up just right. Relax, and breathe.
Wishing you a beautiful day friends!
Love the one you are with