Feeling safe enough to relax
The pre sunrise sky filled with a vibrant orange glow. The wind was chilly and catching the tops of the perfect waves as they rolled toward shore. The flock of seagulls flew in just before the sunrise and much to my surprise a huge flock of skimmers joined the seagulls. Ruddy turnstones, willets, sand pipers and 3 egrets joined in forming a massive flock birds.
We all flocked together to stay out of the wind and have a moment of rest. Skimmers are usually shy but this morning they were open to lots of eye contact and connection time. They said, “We are tired from our flight. We find a sense of safety in the flock so we can let our guard down and sleep. We encourage hanging with feathered friends who provide comfort.”
Skimmers got their name because they drag their lower beak through the water grabbing fish. They can even keep flying when their beak is facing the other direction, reminding us to use all our senses to keep us flying straight. “Even when our heads get turned around, we keep calm and know we are on the right path.”
Wishing you an abundantly beautiful day friends!