Find peace in your nest

Ahhhhh, A crisp and colorful morning to start your day.  The sky was wide open letting the sun be the main attraction.  Who the big ball came up the warmth felt wonderful.  

On the way to sunrise I had a nice chat with a solo dove.  She was still there after sunrise standing next to a little nesting material.  

She said, “As a rule, I am a messenger of peace.  Today I am encouraging you to find peace in your nest.  As you find peace within, any chaos outside you will feel softer and more manageable.”

Dolphins were grabbing breakfast just past the breaking waves.  Occasionally popping out of the water or catching a wave.  They Said, ”Remember to be spontaneous, a moment of unexpected play can shift your mood and those around you.” 

Wishing you a playful day friends! 

TGIF photo: Let’s Play!


Sweet sunset snuggles


Let the waves wash over you