healing takes time, treat yourself with compassion and patience
Pink rays of light jetted high into the sky at first light. The bright full moon and Jupiter were having a conversation as I walked to the beach.
The energy was more electric and full of vitality than serene. With the strong current rushing up against my skin it was as if the ocean was energizing my body.
The ocean was speckled with surfers before first light. The waves were powerful, tossing a few surfers around. One with his feet in the air along with Luna the osprey bring us the message of the bumps of life and healing.
The waves bring the message how life can feel a bit bumpy, turning us upside down. The surfer got back on his board and caught another wave, reminding us feeling tossed around is temporary, eventually we find our footing again.
After sunrise I went to the river where Luna the osprey was hanging out on her boat. Last time I posted her tushy feathers up close my friend Kyle said she was showing us the osprey full moon. A couple days later my friend Lisa named her Luna without knowing about full moon osprey, showing us how connected we are. This morning she posed with the full moon embracing her name.
She is quite expressive, when I talk to her she tilts her head like a puppy dog. She encourages us to show compassion with our eyes, share your love through your eyes.
I walked over to say good morning and said, “How are you?” She raised her foot and pointed to it with her beak saying, “My foot hurts. I know healing takes time. Patience and compassion help me cope.”
Wishing you a beautiful day friends!
PS~ Check out the previous post for more redfish photos and dolphin playtime
Luna the osprey and the full moon
I said,"Good morning, how are you?" She responded, "My left right foot hurts." Healing takes time, patience and compassion
Luna tilts her head when we chat.