Know when to come out and and when to take cover
Mother Nature used all the crayons in the box this morning to bring us an artsy kind of sunrise. Pink glow filled the sky before the sun came up to greet the day but eventually shifted to a breathtaking gold.
A soft breeze kept the temperature refreshing. Pelican Highway was jamming in both directions enjoying riding the waves with ease.
On the way off the beach I ran into in tortoise who was snacking on some greens. As we were chatting a wasp looking insect flew close to the tortoise as if saying hello. She didn’t like this and retreated into her shell for moment a safety.
She said, “I’m here to encourage you to come out of your shell to enjoy all the wonders of life. If you feel unsafe you can always return to the comfort of you shell until you are ready to come back out and play.”
Wishing you a beautiful day friends!
A wasp like insect getting up close and personal with a tortoise
Eat more veggies