Know when to let go

Another beautiful day in paradise with a lovely hint of fall in the air with a nice breeze and rich orange and pink colors. The ocean temperature is still warm and inviting.

So many birds today! The flock of seagulls, Pelican Highway and Piper and her crew came to play, have breakfast and watch the sunrise.

Piper was digging deep to grab her breakfast. She said, “Sometimes we have to dig deep to get to the root of the matter. Not to worry, the reward is totally worth the work.”

2 seagulls were in a high speed chase over a fish. After several minutes the gull with a fish dropped it saying, “It’s important to know when to let go and not put ourselves in harms way. In the bird world if we hang on too long, the bird in pursuit can bite our legs. We have to use our better judgement to know when it is best to hang on and when to let go. Sure we want the fish, but not at the expense of our well being.”

Wishing you a groovy day friends!

Flock of seagulls

Flock of seagulls

In Synch

In Synch

Pelican Highway

Pelican Highway

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Precocious Piper

Precocious Piper

Piper digging deep

Piper digging deep

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Seagull high speed chase over breakfast

Seagull high speed chase over breakfast

Dropping the fish to avoid injury

Dropping the fish to avoid injury


Stay open despite past hurts


Be the beacon of hope