Know when to take action and when to rest

Mother Nature brought us a simple yet powerful sunrise. With the absence of clouds, the sun was the star of the show along with the flock of seagulls and Ruddy Turnstones. The calm ocean, with no waves, seemed to go on forever, giving us an expansive and serene vibe to the day.

Rootie Tootie, a ruddy turnstone brings us the message of knowing when to fly and when to rest. She said,”I’m a little bird who can fly really fast, the kind that goes 0-60mph in a blink of an eye..…ok, well maybe not 60mph but it feels really fast! I bring the reminder to trust yourself when to take action and when to rest and recharge."

The chatty seagulls bring their usual message of floating above a situation to get a different perspective. They said, "Getting the bird’s eye view really is helpful to seeing things in a new light.”

Wishing you a beautiful day friends!

PS~ Jane Asher with The Next Room had me on her radio show to talk about the documentary, My Invisible Husband, airing today. The Next Room Radio show

Rottie Tootie aka Ruddy Turnstone


Tales from the lagoon ~ Episode —Post Sunrise sushi rave


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