Lead the way with an open heart

As I walked to the beach it was really dark, wet and windy. I doubted we would have a sunrise then Mother Nature showed up with a gorgeous start to the day.

The clouds remained dark and mysterious with a sliver or pink just above the ocean and a slight silver shimmer on the ocean when a white dove, angel looking shape appeared. Once the sun started to come up more colors joined in adding to the beauty of the day.

The flock of seagulls flew in at their usual time to enjoy bath time. One legger almost has a full black head as she gets her mating plumage ready. One the the seagulls lifted up front and center, leaned back with her wings and heart wide open saying, “Be the one who stays open to love and life. Love is contagious, as we stay open, even in the hard times, we send out into the ethers love to others.”

A solo egret came to say hello too along with a flock of ruddy turnstones. The egret said, “When you feel like you are in transition, I highly recommend being patient. Rest deeper into your feet to stay grounded and solid so you are ready to take action when the time arrives.”

Wishing you a beautiful day friends!

To rent My invisible Husband: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/myinvisiblehusband

White Angel bird in the clouds

Be the one to be open hearted

Thanks to my sunrise crew for these photos.


I’m open to being seen


Delays are purposeful