Let go to expand
As I walked the beach, the roar of generators filled the air waves. Power was out as far as the eye could see. When I reached the beach, the absence of birds and darkness added to the eerie feeling of the day.
The flock eventually flew in hot and chatty and with it, a feeling of relief. The flock sure brings me comfort and connection.
The full moon was setting just before I started to walk to the beach. Like all full moon it asks us to let go of what no longer serves us. This one is accompanied by the energy of a lunar eclipse which amplifies the intensity of the moon.
The moon says, “Use my energy to facilitate letting go so you can expand. Let go and step into what your heart truly desires. My energy may feel intense but trust you can do this.”
A couple gulls added to the message saying, “When the energy feels intense, go within for the answers. Practice self care by pulling out the old feathers, making room for new ones. Trust us, you will love your new look.”
Wishing you a beautiful day friends!