Let go to rebuild

I was mesmerized by the moon this morning. It was high in the sky surrounded by cozy clouds as I walked to the beach. The clouds continued to hug the moon for a long while.

A small starfish was on the beach next to where I set my bag down. A sunriser ( A regular sunrise walker) came along and air lifted the sweet little nugget back to the ocean. The flock of seagulls and royal terns were already at our spot enjoying some much needed bug and feather removal.

The moon, clouds, royal tern and starfish all came to gather to bring us a powerful message today. The blue moon (August 22) was an energetic crescendo of the month which we can still feel. Full moons tend to illuminate emotions and ‘things hidden from us.’ If we set the intention to remove the clouds we can see clearly and even have epiphanies.

The royal tern digging deep to pull out old feathers encourages us to to go within and pull out anything we no longer need. The starfish chimed in saying,”I bring the message of using all your senses for regeneration. You see, the full moon illuminates the hidden so we can let go, then rebuild. Use your senses to feel your way through, trust your gut and intuition to navigate the waves. You got this.”

Wishing you groovy day friends!

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Airlifted back to the ocean

Airlifted back to the ocean

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Digging deep to get the bugs out

Digging deep to get the bugs out

Ah, I feel better

Ah, I feel better


The light always finds a way through


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