Let your soul’s purpose unfold

The almost full moon was setting over the serene river about 40 minutes before sunrise adding to the powerful energy this morning. When I reached the beach, the flock was already there chatting amongst each other.

One of the laughing gulls was taste testing a cannonball jellyfish. She said, “Go ahead try new things, you never know what changes it might bring.”

The waves were loud, rolling toward shore with the wind blowing the tops into the air, mixing salt with a light layer of fog. As the sun came up it kissed the ocean goodbye while the flock danced around the big ball of light.

This full moon packs a punch, anyone else feeling it? It is assisting us in letting go of anything in the way of our deepest desires, all the way to our depth of our soul. Yes, that powerful!

The moon said, “I am situated in the sky around other planets that may bring your emotions to the surface. Use my energy to feel and let go. Follow the lead of the gulls, lift up your heart and let all the loose feathers fall away. Not to worry, new feathers supporting your soul's purpose will fill the void.”

Wishing you a beautiful day friends!


Full moon setting over river illuminated by dock lights

Lift up your heart and let the old feathers go

Try new things, you never know what changes it might bring


A new viewpoint brings new light


Pay attention, set your intentions and ask for help