Look outside the box
First light illuminated the sky with a stunning vibrant orange glow. With minimal clouds Mother Nature brought us a simply beautiful start to the day.
So many birds were out enjoying the perfect start to the day it was hard to snap a photo without a bird in it. Skimmers, the flock of seagulls and piper were all hanging out enjoying the morning. The sea foam was churned up from the waves making it look like the flock was having a bubble bath.
The ring billed seagull was very chatty today bringing us the message on behalf of all the gulls. She said, “I’m a reminder to look at life from a different angle which can give you a new perspective. Us seagulls are very creative and encourage looking outside the box for a solution. Use all your resources to soar above any problems, remembering everything is purposeful.”
Wishing you a beautiful day friends!
Ring billed seagull
Skimmers in the air, seagulls on the beach