Loosen your grip to feel secure
A salty fish scent filled the air courtesy of seaweed washing ashore. A lovely breeze and churning ocean gave us an invigorating vibe to start the day.
The sun came up with a gorgeous golden glow filling the sky bringing warmth and hope of a new day. A small flock of gulls flew in early to enjoy a nice bath while the sun came up.
On my way off the beach, a squirrel stopped in front of me and started posing. He was very engaging and had lots to say. He said, “Relax, loosen your grip. No need to hold on so tightly to feel secure.”
With the reflection of the morning in his eyes he said, “To have compassion for others, it helps to see how they view the world. Oh, and don’t hoard your nuts, you’ll find more.”
Within you a beautiful day friends!
See life through the eyes of another
Loosen your grip to feel secure ~. The Squirrel