Molting is temporary

WOWIE!  Mother Nature used every crayon in the box bringing us a stunning, heart opening color show.  Laughing gulls, sand pipers, royal terns and willets showed up to watch the sun come up and grab a bath. 

Ghost crabs scurried back and forth, in and out of their homes brining us the message of the day.  One of them stopped to chat saying, “I’m a messenger of trusting your intuition.  I know sometimes it’s bet to stay close to my home so I can get to safety quickly and other times I want to run out on the open.  I trust I will know when to hunker down and when to be free.” 

After sunrise I had a chat with a solo pigeon who was looking pretty scraggly.  She said, “Thank goodness, molting is temporary!  Transformation isn’t for the faint of heart.  You see, being willing to change and release the old feathers is a process and you may not feel that great during the process.  Not to worry, the end result is wonderful and you will look and feel even better.  Hang in there.” 

Wishing you a beautiful day friends!

Ghost crab

scraggly pigeon who says, “Thank goodness molting is temporary!”


Clarity will come, trust the timing


Let the old go so the new can come in