Open to new beginnings of love, beauty and abundance

Mother Nature brought us an invigorating morning with a chilly breeze coming from the north.  The crips air gave the sky an beautiful orange glow.  As the sun came up the flock of gulls flew in to say good morning using the breeze to hang in place. 

Despite the chilly weather, the flock took time to get squeaky clean letting the waves wash the bugs away.  A large, almost white herring gull joined the flock for bath time.  

Last night as the sun was setting the moon and Venus were close together.  The moon is at the start of its monthly cycle and Venus is the planet of love, beauty and abundance. The two together bring us the energy of fresh starts with Venus infused gifts. 

Wishing you a beautiful day filled with love and beauty.


Look in unexpected places for success


Slo mo video to start your day