Opportunity knocks
Happy Mother’s Day to my mom, all the moms, Mother Ocean, Mother Nature and Mother Earth. May all the moms feel the gratitude for the nurturing and love they provide.
A lovely spring day with a cool breeze, calm ocean and so much life! So many messages too. Sharks kicking in the shallows, seagulls and pelicans feeding everywhere while fish jumped.
The sun came up large and bright adding to the beauty of the morning. Pelicans were rapid fire diving for snacks bringing us the message of diving in. They said, ”Don’t be afraid to change directions quickly and dive in. Look for the channel markers to guide you along the way, trust in the timing and go for your goal.”
A seagull was sanding on a pelican for a better view of the fish saying, “It’s nice to have the support of a friend to thrive.”
On the way off the beach a sweet woodpecker said, “Hello! I’m here to encourage you to pay attention to opportunities that come knocking. Like the pelicans today, seize the moment, go for what your heart truly desires. The secret is to let go of the outcome, take action when you feel inspired and enjoy the journey!”
Wishing you a day filled with love!