Probing within to find the answers

What a lovely sunrise we had today with sweet colors, a calm ocean, light breeze, dolphins feeding and loads of birds! The energy vibrant, so full of life with birds flitting here and there. Bath time with the flock was full of sweet connections and love.

Dolphins grabbed snacks just passed the waves that were rolling in 2 and 3 at a time. The dolphins encourage us to play more. They said, “Go ahead turn mundane tasks into playtime. Enjoy dancing while folding the laundry or singing while making dinner.”

A flock of American Oyster Catchers flew by as the sun was coming up for the third day in a row. They eat mollusks and crabs, using their strong, long beak to break them open.

They also use this amazing tool to probe the mud to find food reminding us to dig deep to find the answer. They said, “Sometimes we can hide the answer from ourselves in our muddy confusion, a little probing can help find the answer we seek.”

Tiger the Heermann’s gull flew in front of the sun showing off his beautiful colors encouraging us to come into the light and show off our uniqueness.

Wishing you a groovy day friends!

PS~. If you missed the announcement the documentary is available for rent! Check the previous post for the link.

American Oyster Catchers

Tiger the Heermann’s gull

Seagull Sunrise

Dolphins chasing breakfast

Bath time

Giving kisses goodbye for the day

Fun with shapes in the waves


Focus on your strengths


My Invisible Husband is available!