Protected yet vulnerable and sensitive

A beautiful day of reflections with cotton ball clouds dancing across the sky courtesy of the wind. The mirror reflections gave us an expansive and heart opening feeling.

The flock of seagulls and skimmers took off in a wave, peppering the sky with their wings in front of the sun. The rambunctious flock were full of life and vitality.

A horseshoe crab came up in the waves just after sunrise, she said hello, then turned and went head first into the waves and disappeared into the surf. Her short but powerful visit brings us the message of expecting the unexpected.

She said, “I am a reminder to keep negativity from taking root in your thoughts. Keep your focus on what inspires and energizes you. My hard shell protects me from the elements, yet underneath I am vulnerable and sensitive. The combination keeps me balanced and healthy, able to take on waves head first."

Wishing you a balanced day friends!


Tales from the lagoon ~ Episode Danika the dolphin makes art


Tales from the lagoon ~ Episode - Relaxing with friends