Release limitations, stay focused
WOOHOO! Today is my favorite day of the month when the moon sets just as the sun is coming up to greet the day. This combination brings us a powerful morning filled with promise.
The flock of seagulls flew in loud and ready to bathe. While we were getting squeaky clean, a few surfers walked by and sent the flock flying reminding us to be ready for action. They said, We know flocking together is a great way to feel safe and keeps us from feeling alone."
I’m excited to say the seagull, One Legger is back! She was looking good, flying in circles showing off her acrobatic skills. She said, “I had a nice summer up north and am happy to be back in sunny Florida for the winter.“
This full moon is called the Harvest moon, because of where it is in the sky, it brings us the energy of hope and possibility. This moon remind us to embrace what is possible. It asks us to stay focused on our sense of purpose. If you are not sure of your purpose, be open to receiving guidance.
It encourages us to actively release any limitations whether they are real or imagined. Find balance between dreaming and logic so you can move forward when the time is right.
Wishing you a beautiful day friends!
PS~. A momma dolphin and huge red fish are in a post if you scroll back 2 posts.
One legger is back!