Resistance is futile

As I walked to the beach the grey clouds were thick and looked ominous. I thought, there is no way there will be a sunrise to photograph. Eventually a hint of pink showed up making the sky look like Neapolitan ice cream.

When I reached the beach I could hear the flock of seagulls were already at our spot. They were squawking loudly as they grabbed fish in the shallows. They seemed really excited about the abundance of food!

With the whipping wind, dark clouds and churning ocean it had a wintery vibe for sure. The flock brings us the message today. They said, “Resistance is futile, don’t fight the wind, use it your advantage. We know how to use the wind to hang in place for long periods of time. Then when we want to move we surrender to the current and allow it to carry us with little effort.”

It’s true, they just hung in place. I felt like part of the flock surrounded by their cute little smiles and personalities. They continue to show me how to relax and be in the moment.

Wishing you a beautiful day in the flow!

PS~ Check out the baby dolphin in the previous post.

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Self love is a superpower


Tales from the lagoon~ Cuteness Overload