Rest before plunging to get my goal
Ahhhhh another reflective sunrise showing off Star Trek like portal that lasted for most of the morning. The flock of gulls flew in for our regular bath time and stayed until the sun was up to show off their beauty.
There was a gannet near by resting from its long trek from Canada. We are heading into the “Fall out” season is when the migrating birds gets so tired they land and rest for a few days. If any of my bird friends want to share helpful information about the migratory birds, it would be greatly appreciated.
Gannets are gorgeous birds and magnificent plunge divers bring us the message to dive in! They bring the message of breaking through barriers to catch our goal.
This particular gannet was exhausted and covered in bugs. Bugs on birds are a sign of their health. She said, “Not to worry, I have a lot of life force, I just need time to rest before heading back to the friendly skies. Once I’m air borne, I can take time to flap around in the water to get the bugs off. I’m here to encourage rest to recover so like the gulls you soar with your wings and heat open.”
Wishing you a beautiful day friends!