Savor the moment
Mother Nature brought us a very serene pretty in pink and lavender sunrise. The ocean was calm like a lake with the exception of perfect waves. The light stayed low and shimmery like a soft blanket resting on the water.
The beauty and light in the waves held me captive, I wanted to stay all day. Thank you to the lifeguard who hung out while I was playing in the waves. I appreciate the support and care.
With the stillness so palpable, when the birds started showing up their lively energy felt invigorating. The flock of seagulls and egrets came in to chat and grab breakfast.
Our message today comes from the egret, fish and the waves. They remind us of timing and savoring the moment. The waves frozen in time encourage us to slow down and soak up each moment and all it has to offer.
As the fish managed to get away from the egret she said, “Timing is everything, I waited for the right moment and made my escape. I trust my instincts to tell me when to seize the opportunity. You can trust yourself to know when to take action too!"
Wishing you a day filled with beautiful moments!
Taken just before the fish got away.