Self Care keeps us healthy and Happy
A sweet day of reflections brought to you by Mother Nature. The wet sand was soaking up the gorgeous sunrise giving the morning an expansive feeling. So many colors today filling the sky and ocean giving light to a new day.
Waves in the ocean churned toward the shore. The temperature of the water is warmer than the air and felt good on as the current brushed up against my legs. The flock of seagulls joined me for some much needed bath and hang time.
A solo pelican was quite chatty and shared the importance of self care. As he was pulling out old feathers and bugs he said, “Sure self care is time consuming, but I know if I don’t take time to pluck the old feathers and get off the bugs, I get grumpy and I don’t feel as healthy.”
“Did you know I can scratch my head with my wing? And oooohhhhhh it feels soooo good. You know, that scratch that just makes you feel happy because it feels so satisfying. And look at how handsome I give myself a good shake. A little self care and I’m ready for the day.”
Wishing you a groovy and bug free day friends!