Sing, dream and love anyway
WOW, such a beautiful sunrise, starting with a lovely pastel color palette morphing to a beautiful golden and red glow filling the sky.
Salt filled the air making the morning misty and soothing in my lungs. The flock of seagulls were so darn cute today. Lots of eye contact and posing for the camera. They bring so much joy with their animated personalities.
One legger and Hook were the most vocal today. They both flew at the camera with intense eye contact and said, “We know life can be overwhelming and sometimes painful, we highly recommend diving in like you have never been hurt. Despite our injuries, we still experience lots of joy and fun.”
Like Martina McBide sings in her song Anyway…..
This world's gone crazy
It's hard to believe
That tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anyway
You can love someone with all your heart
For all the right reasons
In a moment they can choose to walk away
Love 'em anyway
You can pour your soul out singing
A song you believe in
That tomorrow they'll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway
Yeah, sing it anyway
I sing
I dream
I love
Have an amazing day friends!
PS~ The 2022 calendars are done and at the printer, if you want to see them, click here
One legger diving in