Slowing it down

With heavy clouds all around it was very dark as I walked to the beach. The clouds seemed to make it even more quiet and cozy. A refreshing breeze was coming off the ocean.

Before the sunrise a glimmer of silver light made it through a break in the clouds brining a hint of pink to add to the moody blues. When the golden sunbeams started streaming through the clouds, the energy shifted, bringing a light and hopeful vibe.

The flock of gulls flew in to say hello. One of them hanging in front of the sun slowed down to say, “When things seem chaotic, take a minute to slow down and just be in the moment.”

Another curious gull checking out the foam reminds us to be curious and explore new things. He said, “Exploring new things can breathe a new sense of vitality into your life.”

Wishing you a beautiful day friends!


Trust and allow


2023 calendars are in!