Soak up the light
Ball Ball Ball. My favorite sunrise is back with the sun rising as the moon sets. The full moon was bright and felt powerful as I walked to the beach. Technically it was full yesterday, but was hidden by the clouds.
This full moon brings us the message to look at our daily routines to see if any of our are habits keeping us from breaking free. The moon is amplifying the strength to bust out and move forward in areas we have felt stagnant.
The flock of seagulls was nowhere to be found when I reached the ocean. I thought they had left but they surprised me by flying in with all kinds of messages. They said, “Along with the moon soak up the light to soar even higher. Draw your strength from the resources around you.”
Two seagulls flying in tandem said, “We know the power of coming together to reach the same goal. We highly recommend flying together sharing the journey and making the ride a bit easier.”
And a solo seagull came flying in wings and heart open saying, “Stop and take a look around, you might see something new, oh and give me hug.”
Wishing you a beautiful day friends!
Check out the Tales from the Lagoon in the previous post.
worm moon
Together we got this
Soak up the light