Support comes in many forms
WOWIE! The sunrise was truly breathtaking with fluffy clouds soaking up an array of colors starting with a dark purple shifting through the entire crayon box ending up with a golden glow.
The masterpiece reflecting on the wet sand added to the amazing beauty. As I was immersed in the flock of gulls they lifted up with their hearts and wings open with a whoosh of energy. They remind us to stay open no matter what the circumstances.
Perfect waves rolled toward shore as the wind blew the white tops into the air. At one point the wind looked like it created a wispy angel in the clouds. What a magical morning for sure!
A couple pelicans feeding close to shore were joined by a couple gulls. They bring us the message of support. They said, “Support comes I many forms to aid in carrying us forward and it’s not always in the way we expect.”
Wishing you a beautiful day feeling supported, surrounded by beauty.
A wispy golden angel in the middle of the clouds
Support comes in many forms