Symbiotic relationships rock!

The sunrise from yesterday is posted before this one, my apologies for the delay.

The pre sunrise sky was almost back and white with a splash of pink. The flock of seagulls were already partaking in bath time when I arrived. They were super cute enjoying being close while getting squeaky clean.

One of the seagulls bathing in front of the sun brings a message. She said, “Relax all your feathers and feet, lean in and let the energy carry you forward. It feels so good to be in the flow.”

The sun came up behind a wall of clouds illuminating the sky with a buttery yellow glow. In the past few days the ocean temperature has cooled off and is now colder than the air temperature.

While hanging with the seagulls, a flock of skimmers flew in, circled us, a few landed to join the flock while the rest continued down the beach. I love skimmers! When they talk, I think they sound like a dog barking. They have very soulful eyes that are usually hidden by their black feathers. They get their name because they drag their lower beak through the water, ‘skimming’ for fish.

This morning one of the skimmers who stopped had ankle bracelets from his stay at a hospital. He said, “I wasn’t feeling well and the nice hoomans took me in, gave me a warm place to rest and lots of fish to eat. I like to be strong and independent but I also know receiving assistance is necessary at times, especially in the winter when the trek south can be challenging. The hoomans seemed to really like helping the birds, so everyone wins! Symbiotic relationships feel so good!”

Wishing you a symbiotic day!

Pelican Highway

Skimmers flying in

Flock of seagulls hanging

Bathing seagulls. Relax your feathers and feet, lean in and be carried by the flow

A Golden Skimmer

A skimmer who was in the hospital

Flock of skimmers


Play can lighten your mood


A tiny shift can create a big change