Tales form the Lagoon~ Episode- Pip the Pelican with a Public Service Announcement
Tales form the Lagoon~ Episode- Pip the Pelican with a Public Service Announcement
Hi Everyone! If you are just tuning in, my name is Pip the pelican and I’m a brown pelican. Last year I tried to eat a filleted sheepshead fish which got stuck in my gullet, it was a very scary time for me.
Lucky for me several Hoomans helped remove the boney fish from gullet. The road to recovery was a long one! It took about 9 months to get back to feeling strong and healthy.
Yesterday, young Eddy the pelican picked up a fishing lure and was thinking about eating it when I went over add took it from him. Actually, I thought it was a real fish so I was being dominant and stole it.
It’s a good thing I did! He is young like I used to be and he may have eaten it had I not taken it. I swished it around in my pouch a few times just to make sure it wasn’t a real fish then I spit it out. Shelley picked it up so none of the other birds would eat it.
Please be aware of your fishing gear, including live fish hanging off a dock, fishing line, lures and hooks. Us pelicans are curious and hungry, a combination that can get us into trouble. It’s true we would try to eat a fish hanging on a line in the water.
Thank You! We need all the help we can get to stay healthy, strong and thrive.
Stay tuned for more tales!
It looks like a fish, but doesn’t taste like a fish