Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode -Besties Fishing in the Shallows
Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode -Besties Fishing in the Shallows
Today the fun started with Daniko and Jasper, 2 male dolphin who are best friends. Daniko came in first really early, grabbed a couple fish and left. Then a couple hours later he and Jasper came in and the fun began.
Jasper was hanging out in the deeper water when he gave a huge kick, water went flying he was off, swimming super fast to the corner of the shallows where he caught a huge fish then started swimming straight for the camera.
Just as he turned on a dime, I turned away to avoid the wall of water coming. When I turned back he was swimming away with his fish and I’m sure had a good laugh about the wall of water.
Daniko wasn’t as dramatic but was catching fish in very shallow water. He came up for a Glamour shot as he headed back to deeper water.
So many more tales to come! Including Momma Jade is back!! I’ve known her since April 2019, she comes to the area for the spring time.
More from her to come, so stay tuned!
Daniko saying hello
Jasper giving a big kick to speed into the shallows
Jasper coming straight at the camera with a fish
After turning on a dime he swims away with his fish