Tales from the lagoon ~ Episode _ Family fun at sunset

Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode- Family Fun at Sunset!

The party started around 4:30pm and didn't end until sunset. Love and joy filled the air as the dolphins leaped and frolicked the entire time.

At one point there must have been 10-12 dolphins, I didn't even know where to point the camera. Love, joy and awe filled the air as the crowd on the nearby dock gasped with awe and I squealed with excitement.

This series of photos is of the moms and their calves playing. The youngins were having so much fun playing with each other, and the adults. There was even a game called toss the mangrove seed with pure joy.

When the adults were not playing with the kids, they were enjoying lots of affection, jumping and snacks.

More from the party later, stay tuned!

Sunrise from 12.25.21 is the previous post.


Tales from the lagoon~ Episode- more from the sunset party


Go ahead, Make a splash!