Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Flounder Fest and Flying Fun!
Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Flounder and Flying Fun!
This is a 2 episode post with a flounder fest from Thanksgiving and a flying party today. On Thanksgiving, Ocean and Whisper, 2 males dolphins came in for the sushi buffet.
Ocean scored the largest flounder I’ve ever seen! The flounder fest lasted about 10 minutes. Ocean tossed the fish up several times showing off his both sides of the fish. He is one strong dolphin getting the whopper in the air so high!
Today when I arrived at the lagoon, the party was already happening. It was very windy, the Indian River had white caps and swells. I saw about 6 dolphins in the pod surfing the swells, then as a boat passed by, they started to fly! And fly they did, all the way across the river, popping out 2 at a time. They sure know how to play!
Cliff, Momma, her baby Ocean and Whisper came in later to enjoy some playful shenanigans, so stay tuned for more tales!
Flounder on the fly
Flounder catching air
Other side of the flounder