Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Momma Jade, Pip and Introducing Reggie

Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Momma Jade, Pip and Introducing Reggie

Momma Jade was having a blast grabbing snacks with several pelicans sticking to her like glue. They know she is a good fisher girl and the possibility of mullet is greater when she is around.

On this day, I had the great pleasure of hanging out with a new dolphin who has ridges on his dorsal fin so I am calling Reggie.

He was coming close and swimming circles around me which felt a lot like he was Human Whispering me. He did this for several hours leaving me feeling pretty blissed out by the time I got out of the water.

And to top it off Pip was there having a bath and hanging out for about an hour. What a wonderful day!

Stay tuned for more tales!

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Momma Jade

Ridges, AKA Reggie


Pip the Pelican


Find pearls in the mud


Love and hope is all around