Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode- More from Momma Jade

Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode- More from Momma Jade

If you are just tuning in, I met Momma Jade in April 2019. She is one of the most nurturing momma dolphins I have had the honor to watch. She had a baby with her in 2019, I call Ruby and this year showed up with a new baby I call Opal. However I think Opal might be a boy….if so maybe Topaz or Taz? What do you think?

Momma Jade is very affectionate and patient with her kiddos and the other kiddos in pod. She is also very fun and loves to tease the pelicans, however, I noticed her being extra gentle with Pippa. She didn’t bump her or tease her. I think she knew Pippa was in recovery from the pokey fish.

Since we have spend quite a bit of time together she likes to come show off for the camera and is sometimes a little too close to the get the shot.

She also likes to play the mangrove seed game which means she tosses it out in from t of her then either she or the kiddo grab it and toss it up. This game can go on for a really long time or just a couple seconds. I’m not an expert but it seems the moms are teaching the kids the technique to tossing fish while having fun!

Stay tuned for more tales!

Baby play time

Baby play time

Momma Jade grabbing a snack

Mangrove seed playtime

Momma Jade being gentle with Pippa the pelican

Momma Jade vey close

Jade’s latest baby


Commit to your hearts desire


Saying open to all possibilities