Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Pelican Athletes. Going Head to Head with Dolphins.
Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Pelican Athletes. Going Head to Head with Dolphins.
I wanted to highlight the athletic abilities of the pelicans in this post. They are truly amazing athletes. Like us, they have varying degrees of strength and fear.
Some of the pelicans stay in the back waiting for the fish to come their way while other pelicans are right in the mosh pit, literally going ahead to head with the dolphins. (middle photo)
When the dolphin and pelican went head to head, the dolphin came up chuffing- which is blowing rapidly out the blow hole and the pelicans came up shaking it off looking a bit discombobulated.
Usually it’s just the mature pelicans with the dolphins because it is a little dangerous. If an immature pelican get’s involved they tend to stay on the outskirts or jump in after the dolphin has passed by.
The sharp end of the pelicans beak can scrape the dolphin but also injure the other pelicans.
When you are hungry, getting in the mix seems like a really good idea.
Stay tuned for more tales!
Fish in the center of the pelicans with a dolphin under the water
3 mature pelicans with yellow heads and one immature pelican, all brown and white, in the air
Pelican and dolphin going head to head
Mine, Mine, Mine
Incoming athletes chasing a dolphin under water