Tales from the lagoon ~ Episode - Pelican Soap Opera
Tales from the Lagoon~ Episode- Pelican Soap Opera
Today was the first day I have seen Pip since Monday. 5 days is the most he stays away and that has only happened 3 times since March. If you are just tuning in Pip’s full story is posted just a few blogs back.
Our little pelican is growing up! He is starting to change color, he looks a little faded so looks a little grey rather than dark brown. He has a little white around his eyes and brown spots showing up on his white belly that are very noticeable when he is wet.
His mood was different today too. He was grumpy! I think he is officially heading in the terrible twos or teenager land as he molts.
It’s possible he is grumpy that more pelicans hanging out in his space. Patches comes everyday and hangs out on his pole. A new and seemingly very young pelican I call Eddie is hanging out now too. Eddie looks like Eddie Munster. Eddie had a fish hook with line in his beak. Lucky for him I have a friend who joined me to get the hook out.
And, Freckles hasn’t been quite right since Hurricane Nicole. He’s been dizzy and disoriented since the storm. He eyes are red and seems to have trouble seeing. He’s actually quite sweet. He has a lot to say….more from him in a later post.
Pip doesn’t like sharing his territory with his pelican friends so it will be interesting to see how the this unfolds. Oh the drama!
Stay tuned for Tales from the Lagoon. Or for this episode we need a soap opera name, any suggestions? Days of our Pelicans….As the Lagoon turns……All my Children.
Sunday sunrise is the previous post.
Pip watching a couple ladies on the dock
Showing off his wing span
Hanging out with the dolphins of course
Resting on his pole to avoid the wind
Pip in the front, with Eddie Munster to the right and Patches in the back