Tales from the lagoon ~ Episode-Snuggles and Snacks
Tales from the lagoon ~ Episode - Snuggles and Snacks
What A day! With whipping wind, and white caps, that didn’t deter the dolphin from enjoying themselves.
The day started with Jagger and Uncle Larry along with 2 other dolphins I know but not well. Uncle Larry and Jagger came and went but the other two stayed for quality time and to get to know each other. More from them later.
Bald eagles are returning to the area for winter. They have the osprey screaming bloody murder as they fight for their territory.
Dolphins were coming and going grabbing fish then leaving. At one point a maternity pod stopped in with Charley and M who said hello then headed across the river to fly out of the water! Too far to snap but what a show! After the air time they headed back to where I was for more snuggles!
Stay tuned for more tales!