Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Solar Eclipse Lagoon Party!
Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Solar Eclipse Lagoon Party!
The day started when Momma Sarabi and her pod rushed into the lagoon like they were running through a convenience store, grabbed some snacks and rushed out. Whoosh!
About 5 minutes later, Daniko and Jasper came in and stayed for 3 hours. They were very affectionate, swimming around the camera giving lots of photo ops and connection.
I’ve been asked by several people of the dolphins are affected by the eclipse. This is my fist solar eclipse with them but I can answer yes! I have noticed they tend to celebrate more around new and full moons.
Hopefully you can feel the action packed fun. There were about 15 pelicans for a couple hours, but the end just Rusty the pelican and myself with a solo dolphin who I call Holy Guacamole. More from him and his silly name in another episode.
Stay tuned for more tales!
Heart shaped spalsh